Warn Them #Three: Economics Crisis

In another dream, I was standing on a bridge overlooking an enormous wooden dock. (Wooden docks, and boardwalks, represent the walk of the cross to me.) My mother, who went home to be with the Lord at the time well over a decade before, was standing on the dock. She looked up at new cars elevated 30 feet in the air by yellow forklifts. Each car was a different bold color. None were spectacular vehicles. Each was depicted as a middle-of-the-road American car that no one wanted to buy.

I understood this to be the “new vehicle,” the new means of ministry the Lord promised to those carrying the cross. Cross-carrying mother Church has a vision for “this new vehicle.” She has been lifting this vision in prayer for years. (Yellow is a

symbol of prayer for me.) These “vehicles” are for the mature (30 feet—30 being the number for maturity).

People looking for a position in Pretense Church, those whose hearts are far from the Lord but soft for the things of Men, will not be interested in these vehicles for they are far from flashy. The cars are for the nobodies if you will. People who know they are nothing without Jesus, who ascribe to Him the glory due Him.

I went down to the dock. As I approached my mom, whom I hadn’t seen in such a long time, I said in a voice filled with emotion, Mom! Out of her flowed so much heavenly grace. She replied, Diane! I miss you so much!

Now, you aren’t going to get this part if you did not grow up on the south shore of Long Island, so I have to explain. We were big on seafood—especially fried belly clams, which are almost impossible to get now. When you can get them, they are expensive.

I told my mom, Since we are by the beach, let’s go for some fried clams. She replied,

Let’s go to a diner instead. There is going to be an economic crash. It is important not to spend money on unnecessary things right now.

The scene changed, and I was then with a couple who tithes faithfully. At the time of the dream, they were experiencing some economic hardship. I told them, Tithing is good, but the current strategy is to cut back on unnecessary things, and then the money will come. That was the end of the dream.

I know this is a word of wisdom. It has little to do with saving a few extra bucks each week. It has to do with obedience. Throughout the dream, I heard:

Tell the brethren.

I believe the Lord is calling the cross-carriers to a strategy of fasting from spending. Not a total fast, but a fast from the frills; it’s okay to go to the diner, not to spend twenty-five dollars on an appetizer portion of fried clams. That strategy will activate the grace to navigate us through an economic crisis.

We don’t have to get religious about it. God calls us to curtail our spending, not out of necessity, but as a sacrifice. The Lord will direct you.

A woman offered the following testimony immediately after I gave out this word. She was in the mall, and she was looking to buy some shoes she did not need. She felt convicted, but she bought them anyway. High-tailing it out of the mall, she spotted a $120.00 ticket on her windshield. “He who is able to accept this, let him accept it” (Matthew 19:12, NASB).