November 7, 2001

November 7, 2001
Diane Scalchunes

Studies have shown that students who eat a well-balanced breakfast are more attentive, absorb more and do better on tests during a school day. There are many children, though, who will not eat their breakfast. Frustrated moms pop a toaster cake into a toaster and hand it to Junior on his way out the door.

When you skip your spiritual breakfast, I can minister to you, but your spirit is not pursuing Mine. You are fasting from My presence. You need to break the fast. I want to serve you eggs—revelation and whole grain bread—the Bread of Life in which I can ingrain wholeness into you. In her frustration, Mother Church has devised that which is not fruit and that which is not bread: tapes I haven’t led you to listen to; devotionals I haven’t led you to read on the train. It isn’t about an exercise; it is about a relationship; it is about My presence. Breakfast is essential.