September 10, 2002

September 10, 2002

Diane Scalchunes

Passion is coming!!!
Passion is coming!!!
You can jump the chasm.
You can get to the other side.
You can be free from relying on your gifting.

You can be free from dead works.
But you must take the leap of faith.
You must grab hold and press in.
You must jump.
In coming! In coming!
Abandon the ship of fools (uncommitted).
Though you were chained to the fools (chain of fools),
I have opened the lock and set you free.
You can jump! You will not drown!
The in-coming is aimed at that ship of fools, and it will get hit and sink!
For you will not be able to sustain the enemy’s attack without My passion.
You will not be able to fight in this arena.
I told you I would pour My passion on you, but it takes faith to receive it.
Once you obtain it, you won’t even notice when the enemy attacks because he will be so far underneath your feet.
The fire of My love is like a blowtorch in your hearts.
I will solder all the broken areas in your heart, and the solder that I am using is My Son’s tears, the work that He did on the Cross for you; for you have no idea how much He loves you and all of the intercession that He has done for you.
Then that passion in you will flow out to the nations.
Now is not the time to preserve yourself.
Better to leave things unsaid.