In a dream, I was in a large house on a high mountain. People were getting “groomed” in the house, symbolizing sanctification. I understood it was a place people went while pressing on to the “upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14, NASU). Some people in the house were starting to get a little lax—a little tipsy from “drinking in” the things of the world. I walked around the place, holding onto a baby of mine named Faith.

    Suddenly, I felt drawn to look out the window. Way down below, I saw Jezebel and an army of her minions marching up the mountain. The mountain was miles up, and I knew we had a little time. I decided to go around the house to collect things she was allowed access to. I alerted everyone to do the same. People just looked at me with vague expressions.

    I found some flyers that mentioned political persons from the Revolutionary War. On top of the pile was one about Alexander Hamilton. I saw George Washington’s name also. I threw the flyers into a roaring fire.
     Immediately after that, Jezebel stormed in, wearing a red gown reminiscent of a medieval queen. Her minions went looking for people who had these flyers. I was wondering why people hadn’t listened to me. They had the time to remove these things; her minions were roughing up people found with these flyers. Jezebel ignored me as I clung to Faith. I and others went on a bus to leave the place, and even there, those with the flyers were getting attacked—the end of the dream.
   While praying about the dream, the Lord told me the political flyers represented two things. The one on top, of top priority, with Alexander Hamilton’s name on it, represented those concerned about money. George Washington appointed Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury.

    God then told me Jezebel was dressed in red, medieval queen’s attire, because she is after Blood-bought Christians who are hovering around the middle (Middle Ages) of God’s Holy Mountain, double-minded, wavering between two opinions. Jezebel desired to thrust people into the “dark ages.” Scripture tells us you can’t serve God and money. If God is God, serve Him. Can money save us? If it could, we could serve it.

    We must know who our provider is. In the days to come, when the economies of the world fall like a house of cards, if still on this earth, will we fall with them, or will we trust the God who fed His prophet by way of a raven?
    The other flyers represented those looking for the right political party to save America. Those who put that flyer on their prayer wall are wagering on the wrong government. They think everything will go well if the right candidate gets into office.

    Jesus, at times, calls godly men and women to serve Him in the political spectrum, and we need to be aware of what is happening in our country and worldwide. We also need to be good citizens and cast our votes for righteousness. It’s our civic duty. Nonetheless, Jesus will save people in America and will probably not do it the way we would like. There shall be no end to the increase of His government. His Kingdom is coming!
    The Lord told me while praying about this dream:

Good soldiers do not get entangled with the affairs of everyday life.

I pray corporately over ten hours a week, and at times we pray for things in the political arena as the Lord leads us. If you are spiraling down because of the state of our country, you are fighting in the wrong revolution. You are part of a mistaken army. Most likely, your intercession is fear-based and, therefore, worthless.

     In the dream, the bus stands for God’s regional move. When God starts moving, and our faith is in these other things, we can get “roughed up badly” by the enemy.

      Jesus once asked whether He would find faith in the world when He returned. It is impossible to please Him without faith. My faith was baby-sized but be encouraged. Remember what Jesus said a mustard seed of faith could do! We must cling to Him through faith. We must fight the good fight, finish the course, and hold onto our faith.      Jesus said at the end of the age, men’s hearts will fail them in anticipation of what is coming to the earth. Will we be in that group? Everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Will we be shaken, or will we, like David, trust in the Lord no matter what? “For the king trusts in the Lord, and through the lovingkindness of the Most High he will not be shaken” (Psalm 21:7, NASU).