A woman in my prayer group had a dream in early July 2012. The following day while praying about it, she had a vision of me up on the roof of the temple portico (see WARN THEM #1), calling people to come up higher. She heard,

Warn your brothers.

Here is the woman’s dream:

     In the dream, she was at the scene of a beach that had just experienced a tsunami wave. The devastation was everywhere. Trees were tossed around like toothpicks. White and blue boats were thrown around like splintered toys among the rubble. The ships represented ministries: white for those called to emphasize holiness and blue for revelatory ministries. A huge tree, larger than life, had fallen, crushing a cruise ship under its heavy weight. The gnarled root ball of the tree was massive— more prominent than any she had ever seen. Looking at the tree, she understood it was the tree of knowledge.

     “Cruise Ship sea dwellers,” those at ease in Zion, will be crushed in the days to come if they (we) lean on our understanding and feed off the tree of knowledge instead of the tree of life, Jesus. We must now come to grips with what tree we are eating from. We must allow the Lord to “crush” our propensity to act according to our understanding so He can live in us.